Saturday, March 3, 2007

Day One ------------------------------ Feb 28th 2007

Didn't really expect too much for a first class, a rundown on what the years going to hold for us was a given but i was not expecting to be playing BullRush and hopscotch in the 4 hour long class (brilliant). with an overview we went initially went through the different types of games.

we talked about how a game is not just what you play on a computer screen or with a pack of cards. life itself is a game. we've been playing games from birth, be it the simple school yard tag or hitting a ball against the wall. Emphasizing this point the catch phrases, "get your game on", "step up to the line" etc. As a class we discussed the most basic concepts behind games, that they are there to entertain, challenge you physically / mentally or both, teach you a lesson.

Games all have the one concept in common they are all governed by rules and end with either a win or a loose situation.

we went through a quick story for a game. i stress the word quick here. where a speech impediment boy went on a quest to get laid. the game was basic but gave us a quick insight to what we need to work on.

Rules for Hopscotch

  1. All body parts must stay within the marked area and cannot touch any lines.
  2. Hopscotch is played by hopping on one foot, progressively up the marked area, two feet must be placed where squares are adjacent i.e. left foot in box 2 and right foot in box 3. see image >>>>>>
  3. A pebble is thrown at the start of each round. whatever box the pebble lands in is the box in which the competitor must miss.
  4. The competitor must first get his / her pebble in the box labeled [1] , next round [2] and so on.
  5. If the competitor's pebble lands outside the box they are attempting to get it in they are out.
  6. If the competitor's feet placings are wrong then the competitor is out.
The Win Situation

To not break any of the above rules, to be the last man standing.

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