Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day Three ------------------------------ Mar 14th 2007

I've just realized that this is going to become less and less informative about what the storyline and actual game play is going to be. we don't want to release any information that could lead to theft of ideas etc. however what I will be writing about is what i do in each class. whom I get on with / don't. how i felt overall etc...

beginning of the lesson were handed a hefty 19 pages of "Genre and the Video Game" handout. haven't as of yet been able to finish it but do plan on it. The pages are available for download from this address.

would you look at that, were slowly upgrading our in class game play. Initially it was hopscotch, as seen below. then chess and poker, and today we played defender! A cheap large pixel type game with similarities to space invaders. don't have a link at present but if you drop me a comment or email, I can find it for you. the game shows use of A.I. (artificial intelligence), a scrolling map, a radar system, and my talent drew a high score of just 6,000

the remaining couple of hours were spent as a group. This is where the nitty gritty starts. we began with a group brainstorm, nothing said was wrong and everything was considered. once a full A3 page of ideas were thrown into the mix we narrowed our ideas down to the few that appeared more often than others. We came up with a rough genre, (hence the handout) and theme. will say no more.

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