Yes were now into the Dreaded time more commonly known as Crunch. I’ve missed a few weeks for posts; I don’t think I have to explain why. Jason if your reading this I’m not wring those dam weeks. they've been pretty much the same as day eight and day seven although we've got the alpha release next week, and I’m about to die, I look like walking dead most days due to lack of sleep. cant wait for the minute after the hand in of gold,
No make that the millisecond
backgrounds will be in the game and GUI (graphic user interface) is basically complete. Animation is letting us down a little at the moment but they will get there. Alex (main character) is fully rigged and sprites have been rendered. There's a lot of alpha channel work to be done in Photoshop. There’s a lot of work to get done so I leave ya at that.
p.s. I’m releasing alpha to Digital Design Year one, that only 5 students though.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Crunch Time
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Personal / Team Reflection to date
This is a requirement due to the marking schedule. Each member of the game design class has to write 750 words about the three sections of the game that are already complete and marked. i.e. story, logic and design document. We’re to write about our involvement and what we think about the final outcome. Each team leader has to write a little more, they’ve got to reflect on each other team member i.e. Dino has to write about all the members in his team, I’ve got to write about everyone.
Our marks are as follows:
Story: 8/10
Logic: 7/10
Design Document: 8/10
Story was the first thing started as a class. It started as a group discussion about anything and everything. We were just trying to get a general idea of what we could create for our game. Our main idea / theme of time came from a conversation I initiated between Scott and myself. Initially it was a small conversation about time and how it affects the world. We were talking about what would happen if time was stoped / paused and you could walk sideways and how the light waves would bend and change our perspective or would we just cease to exist. I was really getting into the conversation when Jason said that the rest of the class should be listening to what we were talking about. So there arose the main theme, although it was developed into a parallel universe the main idea of time was due to Scott and I. My input seemed to be hugely influential within the story over the next few weeks. It’s been some time since we had our brainstorm so I’m still a little confused as to what input I had, but if I remember it was a considerable amount. I managed to sway a few minds off ideas that I personally didn’t like. Maybe that’s why I became the project manager.
The rest of the class took some warming up to get into the brainstorm, that also may be one of the reasons my ideas were so influential as I was one of the few actually saying stuff at the beginning. It soon became apparent who was going to become a huge part within the game. Cody seemed to speak up quite a lot. Joseph is always loud and always says his 2cents. I agree with Joseph’s way of thinking and rarely disagreed. Cody on the other hand has a different way of thinking. It’s hard to explain in words, but I do notice it. Jared too has the same way of thinking; I think it’s their logic. I personally don’t quite understand it sometimes, Jared more so that Cody. Never the less these two, Cody and Jared, seemed to have a large influence on the story. Both are natural writers. Cliff is another whom I rarely disagreed with. They seem to think on the same level as I do. Cliff was another whom had a decent say in what happened in the class. We already know that Cliff is an avid RPG guy so he was frustrated with some of the ideas but he seemed to warm to them. Returning to Jared, He appears to be a quite boy whom doesn’t say too much, but he did input his ideas. They, to me were conflicting with my ideas so little debates popped up now and then with an even share of winnings. Dino and Scott amazed me, to be honest is didn’t quite see them saying too much but they were in with a shot and quite easily said what was on their mind. Both had similar ideas to me and I agreed with the majority of them.
There was to begin with a bit of a language barrier between those whom spoke English as their primary language and those that spoke say Japanese or Chinese. Jason is a quite member of the class and didn’t really speak up too much. He did listen to what we were saying and when asked if he liked what we were doing and talking about he did respond. Other than that he didn’t say too much. Carter was a little more confident. He did speak up every now and then, and since the starting classes he has improved dramatically. So too has Jason. Keshiwei was one whom didn’t say much. We almost had to physically threaten her into speaking, she did say a little, a little more than Eugene, who sat in the corner of the room doing something completely different. He didn’t say anything at all. I personally was quite disappointed in this. As I’ve said before it, makes it hard to work with someone who doesn’t want to do what they’ve been assigned.
Ellie had more say than Keshiwei but again didn’t seem too interested. However she has warmed to the class. Ellie’s participation was more so in the story than in the logic and design document, but still could have been better.
The classes contribution to the story depreciated when the story team was delegated the task of taking over.
Logic for me and the rest of the class was only done in the initial brainstorms. It was the basic story of how our main character, Alex, is transported to the parallel universe along with Eva. How their mission is to rebuild the machine, rescue the professor and return safely back to the real world. Therefore the main arc was created by the class as a whole. The nitty gritty, confusing stuff was down to our logic team Cliff and Joseph. Joseph has always been off the planet in his way of thinking and I was pretty sure that he would come up with a twisted and out of it logic tree. Personally I would have liked Cliff to be the Leader for the Story Team but Jared was elected, not to worry I can work with Jared. The reason for this is due to an argument Jared and I had over some of the logic in the story. Cliff whom heard what we were talking about agreed with what I was saying. Jared seems to be defiant. I’m sure that I’m not the only one that sees this and I’m sure that he’s a really nice dude. He just sometimes gets on my nerves.
Design Document:
I did a lot of this. About 70% was written by me but then again I went back and referred to the people I had to so really about 30 – 40%.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Day Eight ------------------------------ May 09th 2007
We made some heafty decisions today.
Cell Shading
weve droped the 3d modeling for our backgrounds and have taken up illustration. for the characters whom are already modeled in 3d we've decided on the option of cell shading. i personaly don't like it all that much but i can see the advantages to this. we've had to opt fot the quicker option coz we'er running out of time. it means the art team has a set specific rendering style: that being similar to the style of the cell shade we use in 3ds Max.
we continued prety much with what we were doing for the rest of the class. me just floating and giving pointers etc.
ive dished out some deadlines again, (just like last week)
Get the story/ logic completed to 98% for next week. cody's to have the script 70% done. i want to distribute the story team into the other teams. the remaining 2% are just pick ups, completed as we find flaws with the story etc.
i initialy asked for 5 rooms completed and done for next lesson but uped that to 10.
have had a devent look over the sound library, completed puzzels for story team
have at least 2 walk cycles completed and main characters boned.
ive not got a lot of stuff to give to asif as of yet, the work load will start soon. for now its go over the tutorials.
same as asif
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Day Seven ------------------------------ May 02th 2007
Jesse - (me) finish and add more to the game design document. Apparently what we handed in previously would only be worth the equivalent of 11/20 so will have to pick that up.
Cody- finishes modelling characters and have main 2 characters boned and ready for animation
Dino - have all backgrounds drawings completed and ready to start modelling
Joseph - he’s still working on the story logic tree stuff so he won’t be working on sound. But he is going into communications to listen to sounds.
Chi - (newly appointed Graphics User Interface designer "GUI") is to have the concepts fully completed for a crit next week.
god knows where Asif was, not too sure if he’s going to be in the class too much longer, which means I’m going to have to pick up the Code Lead and know the AGS program backwards and forwards. It’s going to mean even more work but I can handle it.
Overall I’m feeling a lot better about the game now and am really looking forward to looking back on our finished product.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Fixing Our Teams
Meeting ------------------------------ Apr 13th 2007
Again I’ve noticed that our story team and a few others, Lincoln James and myself are the only ones taking this seriously. I have to congratulate the story team on a well co-ordinated and organised team. They definitely set the bench mark!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Day Six ------------------------------ Apr 04th 2007
We now go away each knowing what we have to do during our holiday (I wish it was a holiday!!) and I intend on having a group meeting some time within those two weeks. Hopefully people do their work.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Meeting ------------------------------ Apr 02nd 2007
Meeting ------------------------------ Mar 30th 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Day Five ------------------------------ Mar 28th 2007
Core | ||||
Project Manager | Jesse (me) | |||
Story Lead | Jared | |||
Art Lead | Dino | |||
Amimation Lead | Cody | |||
Code Lead | Asif | |||
Sound Lead | Joseph | |||
Extended Teams | ||||
Story | Audio | Code | Art | Animation |
Cody Joseph Cliff | Chi Ellie | Jesse Cody Lincon | Carter Keishewei Jason Scott Chi Cliff Jared | James Eugene Lincon |
emailing everyone is going to become a bit of a problem as the new address ive just moved into has no internet at present. so appologies to everyone if i dont email back that night. so far ive issued the group a research request. had a mixed response. half of the class handed the research back to me on the due date, some after the date, and some not at all. think we've sorted this out though.
As far as im awear weve got a lot of work to do as our design document is due in on wed 4th April (next week) and after a look at the template for the document (20 pages) we've got to get cracking!!! ive sent an email earlier in the week requesing a meeting on friday. (will post more on outcome of meeting)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Day Four ------------------------------ Mar 21st 2007
our lessons are becoming more and more like a studio. I've already witnessed less direction from Jason (tutor) and more student driven work, and i like what i see. We continued pretty much where we left off last week. We as a group decided our two best for story writing and two best logic / puzzle writers. The Class stated with our four nominees, Joseph, Cliff, Jared and Cody reading to the class a section of their written works (anything they've written E.g. Cody; a section of a script for a movie he directed some time ago.) and on their work we decided the split. with Jared and Cody becoming our story writers, and Joseph and Cliff our logic / puzzle writers.
our next challenge as a group was tell a story, individually, for one minute. then the person to the left told the same story. the only catch being that, the story we told had to be similar yet different to the previous. proving challenging but interesting. for example i had an omelet made with eggs and bacon may be told with i had an omelet made with worms and crushed maggots.
After a well earn't break we progressed with the story development. I felt that I had a fairly large input into this story and I personally love the outcome, and could easily see myself becoming entrapped within the story (not giving anything away). I just wish that others, not naming names, would also tell us what they think about the way the story is going, i don't want to be working with someone whom doesn't like the story and doesn't say anything until its too late. a typical speak now or forever hold your peace. oh well I'm happy
Elected Project Manager for now, may change later, may not. love it! Means a sh*t load more work to do but I'm definitely up for the challenge. If your in my class and your reading this then be sure to tell me if the power goes to my head. Thats the last thing I want to happen.
Day Three ------------------------------ Mar 14th 2007
beginning of the lesson were handed a hefty 19 pages of "Genre and the Video Game" handout. haven't as of yet been able to finish it but do plan on it. The pages are available for download from this address.
would you look at that, were slowly upgrading our in class game play. Initially it was hopscotch, as seen below. then chess and poker, and today we played defender! A cheap large pixel type game with similarities to space invaders. don't have a link at present but if you drop me a comment or email, I can find it for you. the game shows use of A.I. (artificial intelligence), a scrolling map, a radar system, and my talent drew a high score of just 6,000
the remaining couple of hours were spent as a group. This is where the nitty gritty starts. we began with a group brainstorm, nothing said was wrong and everything was considered. once a full A3 page of ideas were thrown into the mix we narrowed our ideas down to the few that appeared more often than others. We came up with a rough genre, (hence the handout) and theme. will say no more.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
AGS Forum
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Day Two------------------------------ Mar 07th 2007
Absolutely loved the next challenge. 5 class members including myself challenged each other in a Texas hold em high mini tournament. We were given chips that totaled 100 points. Initially the chips meant nothing but did when we were told that each point was a percentage mark for our final grade, e.g. if we got 60 percent in our paper and had 70 points of chips left at the end of the game then our mark would increase to 70%, but this works in reverse, so it could lower our final marks.
To be honest I wasn't the best at this game. I know the rules and how to draw a bluff etc but couldn't quite win. I went all-in in the final game to spice things up and inevitably lost that round too. not to worry the sweat and pounding heart subsided when we were told our marks were safe. what I found most interesting was the emotional involvement in the game, with the thought of loosing something of value to me.
again personality was shown in game play. Jared was a quiet player but was not underestimated after taking an almighty haul of chips. his giveaway was he clenched his arm when he got a nice hand. something I didn't pick up on during game play but will try to in the future.
We finished today off with going over the concepts of:
- Fight or Flight
- Risk or Reward
we also went over reproductive simulation but this concept has left me, must have been distracted with other thoughts. ha!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Day One ------------------------------ Feb 28th 2007
we talked about how a game is not just what you play on a computer screen or with a pack of cards. life itself is a game. we've been playing games from birth, be it the simple school yard tag or hitting a ball against the wall. Emphasizing this point the catch phrases, "get your game on", "step up to the line" etc. As a class we discussed the most basic concepts behind games, that they are there to entertain, challenge you physically / mentally or both, teach you a lesson.
Games all have the one concept in common they are all governed by rules and end with either a win or a loose situation.
we went through a quick story for a game. i stress the word quick here. where a speech impediment boy went on a quest to get laid. the game was basic but gave us a quick insight to what we need to work on.
Rules for Hopscotch
- All body parts must stay within the marked area and cannot touch any lines.
- Hopscotch is played by hopping on one foot, progressively up the marked area, two feet must be placed where squares are adjacent i.e. left foot in box 2 and right foot in box 3. see image >>>>>>
- A pebble is thrown at the start of each round. whatever box the pebble lands in is the box in which the competitor must miss.
- The competitor must first get his / her pebble in the box labeled [1] , next round [2] and so on.
- If the competitor's pebble lands outside the box they are attempting to get it in they are out.
- If the competitor's feet placings are wrong then the competitor is out.
To not break any of the above rules, to be the last man standing.
Adventure Game Studio
Adventure Game Studio Homepage
you can download the full free version from this site if you are also interested in creating point and click games. There are a few demos also available for download from the site.
Friday, March 2, 2007
understanding the blog
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
First Ever Post
moving along.... this year's already proving to be more entertaining than the first and I'm definitely looking forward to the assignments. my current selection of papers are:
Game Design
Digital Tech & Design
History Context & Culture
the reason For starting this blog is due to my WACKY yet very cool Maya/Game Design teacher Jason, whom suggested we start this blog to talk about our game design course, as a way of keeping a running diary of what happens in each class, what we learnt that day and to keep you guys up to date with how the class is going.